Oh là là those deckled edges

Sep 25, 2022

The history of handmade paper for personal stationery and wedding invitations can be traced back to ancient times. The first known paper was made in China around 2,000 BCE from the bark of a tree. This early paper was used for wrapping and padding.


The next development in papermaking came in the form of papyrus. Papyrus is a plant that grows in marshes and wet areas near the Nile River in Egypt. The Papyrus plant was used to make paper as early as 3000 BCE. The Egyptians would strip the bark off the papyrus plant and then lay it out in strips. These strips were then pounded together and pressed into a thin sheet. Papyrus paper was used for writing and painting.


The first use of handmade paper for personal stationery and wedding invitations came in the form of vellum. Vellum is a type of parchment made from calfskin, lambskin or kidskin. Vellum was used for important documents such as royal decrees, laws and treaties because it was durable and could last for centuries.


The first paper mill was built in Spain in about 1150 CE. This paper mill used vegetable fibers to make paper. The paper made at this mill was used for money and legal documents.


Papermaking spread to Italy and France in the 13th century. Paper mills began popping up all over Europe. By the 14th century, paper was being made from wood pulp. This type of paper was cheaper to produce than vellum and became popular for writing and printing.


Handmade paper became especially popular during the Romantic period in the 18th and 19th centuries. This was a time when people were interested in nature and expressing their emotions. Handmade paper was seen as being more romantic and natural than machine-made paper. It was also seen as a way to express individuality.


People began using handmade paper for personal stationery and wedding invitations because it had a unique, romantic quality. The deckle edge, which is a rough, feathered edge created by the mold used to make the paper, adds to the romantic look of handmade paper. Today, many people continue to use handmade paper for their personal stationery and wedding invitations because of its romantic appeal.

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Oh là là those deckled edges

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